Method for determining the size of a distribution box


For the size of the distribution box, many people can't tell the truth. Now let's introduce the algorithm of the lighting or power distribution box, so it is better to determine the size of the distribution box.

  1. When the electric box is only a lighting electric box or a small power, when the incoming line is less than 10 square, if the number of switches is less than 20, the switch width size is added up and then 20MM is added on each side to be the electric box width and the height is the switch height. Add 40MM, the depth is the switch depth and 10MM.

2. When the electric box is only a lighting electric box or a small power, when the incoming line is less than 10 square meters, if the number of switching digits is greater than 20 digits, then the electric box needs to be arranged as two rows of switches, the switch width size is added up and then added on each side. 40MM is the width of the electric box, the height is 40mm for the switch height, and the depth is 10mm for the switch depth.

3. When the electric box is only a lighting electric box or a small power, when the incoming line is less than 10 square meters, if the incoming line switch needs a separate row, the switch width size is added up and then 20MM is added on each side to be the electric box width and the height is the switch. Height is added to the line switch height plus 40MM, the depth is the switch depth and 10MM.

4. When the electric box is the power electric box, or the power lighting electric box, the algorithm is basically the same as above, but when the incoming line is greater than 10 square, the bending radius of the incoming line should be considered to reserve enough space for the first-level terminal. Incoming line, when the two rows of switches are arranged, the wiring of the switch should be considered.

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